4 from don import tags, _shared
6 def _binary_serialize_tag_only_type(o):
9 def _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer(pfs):
11 return struct.pack(pfs, i)
14 def _encoder_to_binary_serializer(e):
17 return struct.pack('!I', len(encoded)) + encoded
20 def _binary_serialize_list(items):
21 # TODO Enforce that items are all the same type
22 items = [tags._tag(i) for i in items]
27 item_tag = items[0].tag
29 item_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[item_tag]
30 items = [item_serializer(i.value) for i in items]
31 item_length = len(items)
32 items = b''.join(items)
33 byte_length = len(items)
34 return struct.pack('!BII', item_tag, byte_length, item_length) + items
36 def _binary_serialize_dict(d):
40 key_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[tags.UTF8]
42 for key, value in d.items():
43 assert isinstance(key, str)
45 serialized += key_serializer(key) + serialize(value)
47 byte_length = len(serialized)
48 return struct.pack('!II', byte_length, item_length) + serialized
51 tags.VOID: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
52 tags.TRUE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
53 tags.FALSE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
54 tags.INT8: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!b'),
55 tags.INT16: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!h'),
56 tags.INT32: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!i'),
57 tags.FLOAT: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!f'),
58 tags.DOUBLE: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!d'),
59 tags.BINARY: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda b: b),
60 tags.UTF8: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-8')),
61 tags.UTF16: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-16')),
62 tags.UTF32: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-32')),
63 tags.LIST: _binary_serialize_list,
64 tags.DICTIONARY: _binary_serialize_dict,
69 return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
78 def make_integer_parser(size_in_bytes):
79 unpack_format = _BYTE_SIZES_TO_UNPACK_FORMATS[size_in_bytes]
81 def integer_parser(source):
82 value = struct.unpack(unpack_format, source[:size_in_bytes])[0]
83 remaining = source[size_in_bytes:]
85 return _shared.ParseResult(success = True, value = value, remaining = remaining)
89 def binary64_parser(source):
90 return _shared.ParseResult(
92 value = struct.unpack('!d', source[:8])[0],
93 remaining = source[8:],
96 def make_string_parser(decoder):
97 def string_parser(source):
98 length = struct.unpack('!I', source[:4])[0]
100 return _shared.ParseResult(
102 value = decoder(source[:length]),
103 remaining = source[length:],
108 def _list_parser(source):
110 parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tag]
113 byte_length, items_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
116 remaining = source[byte_length:]
117 source = source[:byte_length]
119 def item_iterator(source):
122 while len(source) > 0:
123 parse_result = parser(source)
125 if parse_result.success:
127 yield parse_result.value
128 source = parse_result.remaining
130 assert count == items_length
132 return _shared.ParseResult(
134 value = item_iterator(source),
135 remaining = remaining,
138 def dictionary_parser(source):
139 key_parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tags.UTF8]
141 byte_length, item_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
144 remaining = source[byte_length:]
145 source = source[:byte_length]
147 def kvp_iterator(source):
150 while len(source) > 0:
152 key_parse_result = key_parser(source)
153 key, source = key_parse_result.value, key_parse_result.remaining
154 value_parse_result = _object_parser(source)
155 value, source = value_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.remaining
159 assert count == item_length
161 return _shared.ParseResult(
163 value = collections.OrderedDict(kvp_iterator(source)),
164 remaining = remaining,
169 tags.VOID: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, None, r),
170 tags.TRUE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, True, r),
171 tags.FALSE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, False, r),
172 tags.INT8: make_integer_parser(1),
173 tags.INT16: make_integer_parser(2),
174 tags.INT32: make_integer_parser(4),
175 tags.INT64: make_integer_parser(8),
176 tags.DOUBLE: binary64_parser,
177 tags.BINARY: make_string_parser(lambda b : b),
178 tags.UTF8: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-8')),
179 tags.UTF16: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-16')),
180 tags.UTF32: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-32')),
181 tags.LIST: _list_parser,
182 tags.DICTIONARY: dictionary_parser,
185 def _object_parser(source):
186 return _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[source[0]](source[1:])
188 def _parse(parser, source):
189 result = parser(source)
191 if result.success and result.remaining == b'':
194 raise Exception('Unparsed trailing bytes: {}'.format(result.remaining))
197 return _parse(_object_parser, b)