-# don
-Dual Object Notation
+# TON: Twofold Object Notation
+++ /dev/null
-import collections
-import struct
-from don import binary
-from don import string
-def binary_to_string(b):
- return string.serialize(binary.deserialize(b))
-def string_to_binary(s):
- return binary.serialize(string.deserialize(s))
+++ /dev/null
-import collections
-from don import tags
-ParseResult = collections.namedtuple(
- 'ParseResult',
- [
- 'success',
- 'value',
- 'remaining',
- ],
-_FAILED_PARSE_RESULT = ParseResult(success = False, value = None, remaining = None)
+++ /dev/null
-import collections
-import struct
-from don import tags, _shared
-def _binary_serialize_tag_only_type(o):
- return b''
-def _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer(pfs):
- def serializer(i):
- return struct.pack(pfs, i)
- return serializer
-def _encoder_to_binary_serializer(e):
- def serializer(s):
- encoded = e(s)
- return struct.pack('!I', len(encoded)) + encoded
- return serializer
-def _binary_serialize_list(items):
- # TODO Enforce that items are all the same type
- items = [tags._tag(i) for i in items]
- if len(items) == 0:
- item_tag = tags.VOID
- else:
- item_tag = items[0].tag
- item_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[item_tag]
- items = [item_serializer(i.value) for i in items]
- item_length = len(items)
- items = b''.join(items)
- byte_length = len(items)
- return struct.pack('!BII', item_tag, byte_length, item_length) + items
-def _serialize_key(o):
- o = tags.autotag(o)
- assert o.tag in tags.STRING_TAGS
- return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
-def _binary_serialize_dict(d):
- item_length = 0
- serialized = b''
- key_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[tags.UTF8]
- for key, value in d.items():
- item_length += 1
- serialized += _serialize_key(key) + serialize(value)
- byte_length = len(serialized)
- return struct.pack('!II', byte_length, item_length) + serialized
- tags.VOID: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
- tags.TRUE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
- tags.FALSE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
- tags.INT8: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!b'),
- tags.INT16: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!h'),
- tags.INT32: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!i'),
- tags.BINARY: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda b: b),
- tags.UTF8: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-8')),
- tags.UTF16: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-16')),
- tags.UTF32: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-32')),
- tags.LIST: _binary_serialize_list,
- tags.DICTIONARY: _binary_serialize_dict,
-def serialize(o):
- o = tags.autotag(o)
- return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
- 1: '!b',
- 2: '!h',
- 4: '!i',
- 8: '!q',
-def make_integer_parser(size_in_bytes):
- unpack_format = _BYTE_SIZES_TO_UNPACK_FORMATS[size_in_bytes]
- def integer_parser(source):
- value = struct.unpack(unpack_format, source[:size_in_bytes])[0]
- remaining = source[size_in_bytes:]
- return _shared.ParseResult(success = True, value = value, remaining = remaining)
- return integer_parser
-def binary64_parser(source):
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = struct.unpack('!d', source[:8])[0],
- remaining = source[8:],
- )
-def make_string_parser(decoder):
- def string_parser(source):
- length = struct.unpack('!I', source[:4])[0]
- source = source[4:]
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = decoder(source[:length]),
- remaining = source[length:],
- )
- return string_parser
-def _list_parser(source):
- tag = source[0]
- parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tag]
- source = source[1:]
- byte_length, items_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
- source = source[8:]
- remaining = source[byte_length:]
- source = source[:byte_length]
- def item_iterator(source):
- count = 0
- while len(source) > 0:
- parse_result = parser(source)
- if parse_result.success:
- count += 1
- yield parse_result.value
- source = parse_result.remaining
- assert count == items_length
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = item_iterator(source),
- remaining = remaining,
- )
-def dictionary_parser(source):
- key_parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tags.UTF8]
- byte_length, item_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
- source = source[8:]
- remaining = source[byte_length:]
- source = source[:byte_length]
- def kvp_iterator(source):
- count = 0
- while len(source) > 0:
- count += 1
- key_parse_result = key_parser(source)
- key, source = key_parse_result.value, key_parse_result.remaining
- value_parse_result = _object_parser(source)
- value, source = value_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.remaining
- yield key, value
- assert count == item_length
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = collections.OrderedDict(kvp_iterator(source)),
- remaining = remaining,
- )
- tags.VOID: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, None, r),
- tags.TRUE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, True, r),
- tags.FALSE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, False, r),
- tags.INT8: make_integer_parser(1),
- tags.INT16: make_integer_parser(2),
- tags.INT32: make_integer_parser(4),
- tags.INT64: make_integer_parser(8),
- tags.BINARY: make_string_parser(lambda b : b),
- tags.UTF8: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-8')),
- tags.UTF16: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-16')),
- tags.UTF32: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-32')),
- tags.LIST: _list_parser,
- tags.DICTIONARY: dictionary_parser,
-def _object_parser(source):
- return _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[source[0]](source[1:])
-def _parse(parser, source):
- result = parser(source)
- if result.success and result.remaining == b'':
- return result.value
- raise Exception('Unparsed trailing bytes: {}'.format(result.remaining))
-def deserialize(b):
- return _parse(_object_parser, b)
+++ /dev/null
-import binascii
-import collections
-import functools
-import re
-from don import tags, _shared
-def _integer_size_to_string_serializer(integer_size):
- minimum = -(2 ** (integer_size - 1))
- maximum = 2 ** (integer_size - 1) - 1
- def serializer(integer):
- assert minimum <= integer and integer <= maximum
- return '{}i{}'.format(integer, integer_size)
- return serializer
-def _serialize_binary(b):
- return '"{}"b'.format(binascii.hexlify(b).decode('ascii'))
-def _utf_encoding_to_serializer(utf_encoding):
- def serializer(s):
- return '"{}"{}'.format(s, utf_encoding)
- return serializer
-def _string_serialize_list(l):
- return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(map(serialize, l)))
-def _string_serialize_dictionary(d):
- def serialize_kvp(kvp):
- return serialize(kvp[0]) + ': ' + serialize(kvp[1])
- return '{ ' + ', '.join(map(serialize_kvp, d.items())) + ' }'
- tags.VOID: lambda o: 'null',
- tags.TRUE: lambda o: 'true',
- tags.FALSE: lambda o: 'false',
- tags.INT8: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(8),
- tags.INT16: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(16),
- tags.INT32: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(32),
- tags.INT64: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(64),
- tags.BINARY: _serialize_binary,
- tags.UTF8: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf8'),
- tags.UTF16: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf16'),
- tags.UTF32: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf32'),
- tags.LIST: _string_serialize_list,
- tags.DICTIONARY: _string_serialize_dictionary,
-def serialize(o):
- o = tags.autotag(o)
- return _STRING_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
-def _consume_leading_whitespace(wrapped_parser):
- @functools.wraps(wrapped_parser)
- def parser(s):
- s = s.lstrip()
- return wrapped_parser(s)
- return parser
-def _make_constant_parser(constant, value):
- @_consume_leading_whitespace
- def constant_parser(s):
- if s.startswith(constant):
- result = _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = value,
- remaining = s[len(constant):],
- )
- return result
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return constant_parser
-def _make_integer_parser(width):
- matcher = re.compile(r'(-?\d+)i' + str(width))
- @_consume_leading_whitespace
- def integer_parser(s):
- match = matcher.match(s)
- if match:
- # TODO Validate that the integer is in range
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = int(match.group(1)),
- remaining = s[match.end():],
- )
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return integer_parser
-_BINARY_MATCHER = re.compile(r'"([\da-f]*)"b')
-def _binary_parser(s):
- match = _BINARY_MATCHER.match(s)
- if match:
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = binascii.unhexlify(match.group(1)),
- remaining = s[match.end():],
- )
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
-def _make_utf_parser(encoding):
- matcher = re.compile(r'"(.*?)"' + encoding)
- @_consume_leading_whitespace
- def utf_parser(s):
- match = matcher.match(s)
- if match:
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = match.group(1),
- remaining = s[match.end():],
- )
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return utf_parser
-def _make_consume_constant_parser(constant):
- @_consume_leading_whitespace
- def consume_character_parser(s):
- if s.startswith(constant):
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = None,
- remaining = s[len(constant):],
- )
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return consume_character_parser
-_consume_comma_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(',')
-def _prefix_with_comma(parser):
- def wrapped(s):
- result = _consume_comma_parser(s)
- if result.success:
- s = result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- result = parser(s)
- if not result.success:
- raise Exception('Trailing comma before "{}"'.format(s))
- return result
- return wrapped
-def _comma_separate_and_wrap(wrapped_parser, start_wrap, end_wrap, typecaster):
- parser_prefixed_with_comma = _prefix_with_comma(wrapped_parser)
- start_wrap_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(start_wrap)
- end_wrap_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(end_wrap)
- def parser(s):
- result = start_wrap_parser(s)
- if result.success:
- s = result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- value = []
- first = True
- parse_result = wrapped_parser(s)
- while parse_result.success:
- value.append(parse_result.value)
- s = parse_result.remaining
- parse_result = parser_prefixed_with_comma(s)
- result = end_wrap_parser(s)
- if result.success:
- s = result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = typecaster(value),
- remaining = s,
- )
- return parser
-# This uses _PARSERS which has not been defined yet, but is defined here so it can be used in
-# the definition of _list_parser
-def _object_parser(source):
- for parser in _PARSERS:
- result = parser(source)
- if result.success:
- return result
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
-_list_parser = _comma_separate_and_wrap(_object_parser, '[', ']', list)
-_consume_colon_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(':')
-def _kvp_parser(s):
- key_parse_result = _object_parser(s)
- if key_parse_result.success:
- s = key_parse_result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- result = _consume_colon_parser(s)
- if result.success:
- s = result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- value_parse_result = _object_parser(s)
- if value_parse_result.success:
- s = value_parse_result.remaining
- else:
- return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
- return _shared.ParseResult(
- success = True,
- value = (key_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.value),
- remaining = s,
- )
-_dictionary_parser = _comma_separate_and_wrap(_kvp_parser, '{', '}', collections.OrderedDict)
- _make_constant_parser('null', None),
- _make_constant_parser('true', True),
- _make_constant_parser('false', False),
- _make_integer_parser(8),
- _make_integer_parser(16),
- _make_integer_parser(32),
- _make_integer_parser(64),
- _binary_parser,
- _make_utf_parser('utf8'),
- _make_utf_parser('utf16'),
- _make_utf_parser('utf32'),
- _list_parser,
- _dictionary_parser,
-def _parse(parser, source):
- result = parser(source)
- if result.success:
- if result.remaining.strip() == '':
- return result.value
- raise Exception('Unparsed trailing characters: "{}"'.format(result.remaining))
- raise Exception('Unable to parse: "{}"'.format(source))
-def deserialize(s):
- return _parse(_object_parser, s)
+++ /dev/null
-import collections
-VOID = 0x00
-TRUE = 0x01
-FALSE = 0x02
-INT8 = 0x10
-INT16 = 0x11
-INT32 = 0x12
-INT64 = 0x13
-# These are to be supported in the future
-# FLOAT = 0x20
-# DOUBLE = 0x21
-BINARY = 0x30
-UTF8 = 0x31
-UTF16 = 0x32
-UTF32 = 0x33
-LIST = 0x40
-STRING_TAGS = set([UTF8, UTF16, UTF32])
-TaggedObject = collections.namedtuple('TaggedObject', ['tag', 'value'])
- bytes: BINARY,
- list: LIST,
- collections.OrderedDict: DICTIONARY,
-def _tag(o):
- if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
- return o
- if o is None:
- return TaggedObject(tag = VOID, value = o)
- if o is True:
- return TaggedObject(tag = TRUE, value = o)
- if o is False:
- return TaggedObject(tag = FALSE, value = o)
- return TaggedObject(tag = _TYPES_TO_TAGS[type(o)], value = o)
-_NONE = TaggedObject(tag = VOID, value = None)
-_TRUE = TaggedObject(tag = TRUE, value = True)
-_FALSE = TaggedObject(tag = FALSE, value = False)
-_TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES = collections.OrderedDict([
- (INT8, lambda i: -128 <= i and i <= 127),
- (INT16, lambda i: -32768 <= i and i <= 32767),
- (INT32, lambda i: -2147483648 <= i and i <= 2147483647),
- (INT64, lambda i: -9223372036854775808 <= i and i <= 9223372036854775807),
-class TooWideError(Exception):
- pass
-SMALLEST = object()
-def autotag(o, **kwargs):
- preferred_integer_tag = kwargs.pop('preferred_integer_tag', DEFAULT_INTEGER_ENCODING)
- preferred_string_tag = kwargs.pop('preferred_string_tag', DEFAULT_STRING_ENCODING)
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError("autotag() got an unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(
- list(kwargs.keys())[0],
- ))
- if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
- return o
- if o is None:
- return _NONE
- if o is True:
- return _TRUE
- if o is False:
- return _FALSE
- if isinstance(o, int):
- if preferred_integer_tag is not SMALLEST and _TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES[preferred_integer_tag](o):
- return TaggedObject(tag = preferred_integer_tag, value = o)
- else:
- for tag, in_range_predicate in _TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES.items():
- if in_range_predicate(o):
- return TaggedObject(tag = tag, value = o)
- raise TooWideError("Integer {} is too wide to be serialized")
- if isinstance(o, str):
- # TODO Support SMALLEST for preferred string tag
- return TaggedObject(tag = preferred_string_tag, value = o)
- if isinstance(o, bytes):
- return TaggedObject(tag = BINARY, value = o)
- if isinstance(o, list):
- return TaggedObject(
- tag = LIST,
- value = [
- autotag(
- i,
- preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
- preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
- ) for i in o
- ],
- )
- if isinstance(o, dict):
- return TaggedObject(
- value = collections.OrderedDict([
- (
- autotag(
- key,
- preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
- preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
- ),
- autotag(
- value,
- preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
- preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
- ),
- ) for key, value in o.items()
- ]),
- )
- raise Exception('Unsupported type {}'.format(type(o)))
long_description = f.read()
- name='don',
+ name='ton',
description='A dual-format serialization library and reference implementation for Dual Object Notation',
- url='https://github.com/kerkeslager/don',
+ url='https://github.com/kerkeslager/ton',
author='David Kerkeslager',
import collections
import unittest
-from don import binary, tags
+from ton import binary, tags
class TestBinarySerialize(unittest.TestCase):
def test_serializes_null(self):
import collections
import unittest
-from don import string, tags
+from ton import string, tags
class TestStringSerialize(unittest.TestCase):
def test_serializes_null(self):
import collections
import unittest
-from don import tags
+from ton import tags
class AutoTagTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_autotags_void(self):
--- /dev/null
+import collections
+import struct
+from ton import binary, string
+def binary_to_string(b):
+ return string.serialize(binary.deserialize(b))
+def string_to_binary(s):
+ return binary.serialize(string.deserialize(s))
--- /dev/null
+import collections
+from ton import tags
+ParseResult = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'ParseResult',
+ [
+ 'success',
+ 'value',
+ 'remaining',
+ ],
+_FAILED_PARSE_RESULT = ParseResult(success = False, value = None, remaining = None)
--- /dev/null
+import collections
+import struct
+from ton import tags, _shared
+def _binary_serialize_tag_only_type(o):
+ return b''
+def _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer(pfs):
+ def serializer(i):
+ return struct.pack(pfs, i)
+ return serializer
+def _encoder_to_binary_serializer(e):
+ def serializer(s):
+ encoded = e(s)
+ return struct.pack('!I', len(encoded)) + encoded
+ return serializer
+def _binary_serialize_list(items):
+ # TODO Enforce that items are all the same type
+ items = [tags._tag(i) for i in items]
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ item_tag = tags.VOID
+ else:
+ item_tag = items[0].tag
+ item_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[item_tag]
+ items = [item_serializer(i.value) for i in items]
+ item_length = len(items)
+ items = b''.join(items)
+ byte_length = len(items)
+ return struct.pack('!BII', item_tag, byte_length, item_length) + items
+def _serialize_key(o):
+ o = tags.autotag(o)
+ assert o.tag in tags.STRING_TAGS
+ return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
+def _binary_serialize_dict(d):
+ item_length = 0
+ serialized = b''
+ key_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[tags.UTF8]
+ for key, value in d.items():
+ item_length += 1
+ serialized += _serialize_key(key) + serialize(value)
+ byte_length = len(serialized)
+ return struct.pack('!II', byte_length, item_length) + serialized
+ tags.VOID: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+ tags.TRUE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+ tags.FALSE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+ tags.INT8: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!b'),
+ tags.INT16: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!h'),
+ tags.INT32: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!i'),
+ tags.BINARY: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda b: b),
+ tags.UTF8: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-8')),
+ tags.UTF16: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-16')),
+ tags.UTF32: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-32')),
+ tags.LIST: _binary_serialize_list,
+ tags.DICTIONARY: _binary_serialize_dict,
+def serialize(o):
+ o = tags.autotag(o)
+ return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
+ 1: '!b',
+ 2: '!h',
+ 4: '!i',
+ 8: '!q',
+def make_integer_parser(size_in_bytes):
+ unpack_format = _BYTE_SIZES_TO_UNPACK_FORMATS[size_in_bytes]
+ def integer_parser(source):
+ value = struct.unpack(unpack_format, source[:size_in_bytes])[0]
+ remaining = source[size_in_bytes:]
+ return _shared.ParseResult(success = True, value = value, remaining = remaining)
+ return integer_parser
+def binary64_parser(source):
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = struct.unpack('!d', source[:8])[0],
+ remaining = source[8:],
+ )
+def make_string_parser(decoder):
+ def string_parser(source):
+ length = struct.unpack('!I', source[:4])[0]
+ source = source[4:]
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = decoder(source[:length]),
+ remaining = source[length:],
+ )
+ return string_parser
+def _list_parser(source):
+ tag = source[0]
+ parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tag]
+ source = source[1:]
+ byte_length, items_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
+ source = source[8:]
+ remaining = source[byte_length:]
+ source = source[:byte_length]
+ def item_iterator(source):
+ count = 0
+ while len(source) > 0:
+ parse_result = parser(source)
+ if parse_result.success:
+ count += 1
+ yield parse_result.value
+ source = parse_result.remaining
+ assert count == items_length
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = item_iterator(source),
+ remaining = remaining,
+ )
+def dictionary_parser(source):
+ key_parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tags.UTF8]
+ byte_length, item_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
+ source = source[8:]
+ remaining = source[byte_length:]
+ source = source[:byte_length]
+ def kvp_iterator(source):
+ count = 0
+ while len(source) > 0:
+ count += 1
+ key_parse_result = key_parser(source)
+ key, source = key_parse_result.value, key_parse_result.remaining
+ value_parse_result = _object_parser(source)
+ value, source = value_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.remaining
+ yield key, value
+ assert count == item_length
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = collections.OrderedDict(kvp_iterator(source)),
+ remaining = remaining,
+ )
+ tags.VOID: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, None, r),
+ tags.TRUE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, True, r),
+ tags.FALSE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, False, r),
+ tags.INT8: make_integer_parser(1),
+ tags.INT16: make_integer_parser(2),
+ tags.INT32: make_integer_parser(4),
+ tags.INT64: make_integer_parser(8),
+ tags.BINARY: make_string_parser(lambda b : b),
+ tags.UTF8: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-8')),
+ tags.UTF16: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-16')),
+ tags.UTF32: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-32')),
+ tags.LIST: _list_parser,
+ tags.DICTIONARY: dictionary_parser,
+def _object_parser(source):
+ return _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[source[0]](source[1:])
+def _parse(parser, source):
+ result = parser(source)
+ if result.success and result.remaining == b'':
+ return result.value
+ raise Exception('Unparsed trailing bytes: {}'.format(result.remaining))
+def deserialize(b):
+ return _parse(_object_parser, b)
--- /dev/null
+import binascii
+import collections
+import functools
+import re
+from ton import tags, _shared
+def _integer_size_to_string_serializer(integer_size):
+ minimum = -(2 ** (integer_size - 1))
+ maximum = 2 ** (integer_size - 1) - 1
+ def serializer(integer):
+ assert minimum <= integer and integer <= maximum
+ return '{}i{}'.format(integer, integer_size)
+ return serializer
+def _serialize_binary(b):
+ return '"{}"b'.format(binascii.hexlify(b).decode('ascii'))
+def _utf_encoding_to_serializer(utf_encoding):
+ def serializer(s):
+ return '"{}"{}'.format(s, utf_encoding)
+ return serializer
+def _string_serialize_list(l):
+ return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(map(serialize, l)))
+def _string_serialize_dictionary(d):
+ def serialize_kvp(kvp):
+ return serialize(kvp[0]) + ': ' + serialize(kvp[1])
+ return '{ ' + ', '.join(map(serialize_kvp, d.items())) + ' }'
+ tags.VOID: lambda o: 'null',
+ tags.TRUE: lambda o: 'true',
+ tags.FALSE: lambda o: 'false',
+ tags.INT8: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(8),
+ tags.INT16: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(16),
+ tags.INT32: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(32),
+ tags.INT64: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(64),
+ tags.BINARY: _serialize_binary,
+ tags.UTF8: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf8'),
+ tags.UTF16: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf16'),
+ tags.UTF32: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf32'),
+ tags.LIST: _string_serialize_list,
+ tags.DICTIONARY: _string_serialize_dictionary,
+def serialize(o):
+ o = tags.autotag(o)
+ return _STRING_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
+def _consume_leading_whitespace(wrapped_parser):
+ @functools.wraps(wrapped_parser)
+ def parser(s):
+ s = s.lstrip()
+ return wrapped_parser(s)
+ return parser
+def _make_constant_parser(constant, value):
+ @_consume_leading_whitespace
+ def constant_parser(s):
+ if s.startswith(constant):
+ result = _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = value,
+ remaining = s[len(constant):],
+ )
+ return result
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return constant_parser
+def _make_integer_parser(width):
+ matcher = re.compile(r'(-?\d+)i' + str(width))
+ @_consume_leading_whitespace
+ def integer_parser(s):
+ match = matcher.match(s)
+ if match:
+ # TODO Validate that the integer is in range
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = int(match.group(1)),
+ remaining = s[match.end():],
+ )
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return integer_parser
+_BINARY_MATCHER = re.compile(r'"([\da-f]*)"b')
+def _binary_parser(s):
+ match = _BINARY_MATCHER.match(s)
+ if match:
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = binascii.unhexlify(match.group(1)),
+ remaining = s[match.end():],
+ )
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+def _make_utf_parser(encoding):
+ matcher = re.compile(r'"(.*?)"' + encoding)
+ @_consume_leading_whitespace
+ def utf_parser(s):
+ match = matcher.match(s)
+ if match:
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = match.group(1),
+ remaining = s[match.end():],
+ )
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return utf_parser
+def _make_consume_constant_parser(constant):
+ @_consume_leading_whitespace
+ def consume_character_parser(s):
+ if s.startswith(constant):
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = None,
+ remaining = s[len(constant):],
+ )
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return consume_character_parser
+_consume_comma_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(',')
+def _prefix_with_comma(parser):
+ def wrapped(s):
+ result = _consume_comma_parser(s)
+ if result.success:
+ s = result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ result = parser(s)
+ if not result.success:
+ raise Exception('Trailing comma before "{}"'.format(s))
+ return result
+ return wrapped
+def _comma_separate_and_wrap(wrapped_parser, start_wrap, end_wrap, typecaster):
+ parser_prefixed_with_comma = _prefix_with_comma(wrapped_parser)
+ start_wrap_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(start_wrap)
+ end_wrap_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(end_wrap)
+ def parser(s):
+ result = start_wrap_parser(s)
+ if result.success:
+ s = result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ value = []
+ first = True
+ parse_result = wrapped_parser(s)
+ while parse_result.success:
+ value.append(parse_result.value)
+ s = parse_result.remaining
+ parse_result = parser_prefixed_with_comma(s)
+ result = end_wrap_parser(s)
+ if result.success:
+ s = result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = typecaster(value),
+ remaining = s,
+ )
+ return parser
+# This uses _PARSERS which has not been defined yet, but is defined here so it can be used in
+# the definition of _list_parser
+def _object_parser(source):
+ for parser in _PARSERS:
+ result = parser(source)
+ if result.success:
+ return result
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+_list_parser = _comma_separate_and_wrap(_object_parser, '[', ']', list)
+_consume_colon_parser = _make_consume_constant_parser(':')
+def _kvp_parser(s):
+ key_parse_result = _object_parser(s)
+ if key_parse_result.success:
+ s = key_parse_result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ result = _consume_colon_parser(s)
+ if result.success:
+ s = result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ value_parse_result = _object_parser(s)
+ if value_parse_result.success:
+ s = value_parse_result.remaining
+ else:
+ return _shared._FAILED_PARSE_RESULT
+ return _shared.ParseResult(
+ success = True,
+ value = (key_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.value),
+ remaining = s,
+ )
+_dictionary_parser = _comma_separate_and_wrap(_kvp_parser, '{', '}', collections.OrderedDict)
+ _make_constant_parser('null', None),
+ _make_constant_parser('true', True),
+ _make_constant_parser('false', False),
+ _make_integer_parser(8),
+ _make_integer_parser(16),
+ _make_integer_parser(32),
+ _make_integer_parser(64),
+ _binary_parser,
+ _make_utf_parser('utf8'),
+ _make_utf_parser('utf16'),
+ _make_utf_parser('utf32'),
+ _list_parser,
+ _dictionary_parser,
+def _parse(parser, source):
+ result = parser(source)
+ if result.success:
+ if result.remaining.strip() == '':
+ return result.value
+ raise Exception('Unparsed trailing characters: "{}"'.format(result.remaining))
+ raise Exception('Unable to parse: "{}"'.format(source))
+def deserialize(s):
+ return _parse(_object_parser, s)
--- /dev/null
+import collections
+VOID = 0x00
+TRUE = 0x01
+FALSE = 0x02
+INT8 = 0x10
+INT16 = 0x11
+INT32 = 0x12
+INT64 = 0x13
+# These are to be supported in the future
+# FLOAT = 0x20
+# DOUBLE = 0x21
+BINARY = 0x30
+UTF8 = 0x31
+UTF16 = 0x32
+UTF32 = 0x33
+LIST = 0x40
+STRING_TAGS = set([UTF8, UTF16, UTF32])
+TaggedObject = collections.namedtuple('TaggedObject', ['tag', 'value'])
+ bytes: BINARY,
+ list: LIST,
+ collections.OrderedDict: DICTIONARY,
+def _tag(o):
+ if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
+ return o
+ if o is None:
+ return TaggedObject(tag = VOID, value = o)
+ if o is True:
+ return TaggedObject(tag = TRUE, value = o)
+ if o is False:
+ return TaggedObject(tag = FALSE, value = o)
+ return TaggedObject(tag = _TYPES_TO_TAGS[type(o)], value = o)
+_NONE = TaggedObject(tag = VOID, value = None)
+_TRUE = TaggedObject(tag = TRUE, value = True)
+_FALSE = TaggedObject(tag = FALSE, value = False)
+_TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES = collections.OrderedDict([
+ (INT8, lambda i: -128 <= i and i <= 127),
+ (INT16, lambda i: -32768 <= i and i <= 32767),
+ (INT32, lambda i: -2147483648 <= i and i <= 2147483647),
+ (INT64, lambda i: -9223372036854775808 <= i and i <= 9223372036854775807),
+class TooWideError(Exception):
+ pass
+SMALLEST = object()
+def autotag(o, **kwargs):
+ preferred_integer_tag = kwargs.pop('preferred_integer_tag', DEFAULT_INTEGER_ENCODING)
+ preferred_string_tag = kwargs.pop('preferred_string_tag', DEFAULT_STRING_ENCODING)
+ if kwargs:
+ raise TypeError("autotag() got an unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(
+ list(kwargs.keys())[0],
+ ))
+ if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
+ return o
+ if o is None:
+ return _NONE
+ if o is True:
+ return _TRUE
+ if o is False:
+ return _FALSE
+ if isinstance(o, int):
+ if preferred_integer_tag is not SMALLEST and _TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES[preferred_integer_tag](o):
+ return TaggedObject(tag = preferred_integer_tag, value = o)
+ else:
+ for tag, in_range_predicate in _TAGS_TO_IN_RANGE_PREDICATES.items():
+ if in_range_predicate(o):
+ return TaggedObject(tag = tag, value = o)
+ raise TooWideError("Integer {} is too wide to be serialized")
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ # TODO Support SMALLEST for preferred string tag
+ return TaggedObject(tag = preferred_string_tag, value = o)
+ if isinstance(o, bytes):
+ return TaggedObject(tag = BINARY, value = o)
+ if isinstance(o, list):
+ return TaggedObject(
+ tag = LIST,
+ value = [
+ autotag(
+ i,
+ preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
+ preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
+ ) for i in o
+ ],
+ )
+ if isinstance(o, dict):
+ return TaggedObject(
+ value = collections.OrderedDict([
+ (
+ autotag(
+ key,
+ preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
+ preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
+ ),
+ autotag(
+ value,
+ preferred_integer_tag = preferred_integer_tag,
+ preferred_string_tag = preferred_string_tag,
+ ),
+ ) for key, value in o.items()
+ ]),
+ )
+ raise Exception('Unsupported type {}'.format(type(o)))