" Don't imitate vi. set nocompatible " Show line numbers. set number set numberwidth=4 " Scroll five lines ahead of cursor. set scrolloff=5 " Set up autoindentation. set smartindent filetype indent on " Set tabs to width 4. set softtabstop=4 set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Search as you type. set incsearch " Display command and location status. set ruler set showcmd " Multiple windows are equally sized and open in reading order. set equalalways set splitbelow splitright " Line wrapping off set nowrap " Reset colors to a clean state. if !has('gui_running') set t_Co=8 t_md= endif " Enable syntax "highlighting. syntax enable " Force vim to sync syntax "highlighting from the beginning of the file. syn sync fromstart " Set the color scheme to desert. colorscheme desert " Unmap the arrow keys to prevent bad habits. noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap!