This repository contains whatever code and writings I want to make publicly available. As the name suggests, this is mostly my research into various programming languages or code paradigms. Probably if it were production-quality code, I would release it as its own project, so the fact that it is here means that it needs serious work before it can be used for anything. Really, I mean it. Don't use this code unless you've checked and fixed it thoroughly. Code is licensed under the MIT license (included in the file "license.txt") unless otherwise licensed. Other (non-code) content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License (explanation can be found at, and the full license can be found at ) unless otherwise licensed. Code and text are best viewed in a monospace font with line width set to 80 characters and with tab stops set to 4 spaces. I hope you find these materials useful and educational. Regards, David Kerkeslager