Major reorganization
authorDavid Kerkeslager <>
Tue, 11 Apr 2017 19:21:06 +0000 (15:21 -0400)
committerDavid Kerkeslager <>
Tue, 11 Apr 2017 19:21:06 +0000 (15:21 -0400)
don/ [new file with mode: 0644]
don/ [new file with mode: 0644]
don/ [new file with mode: 0644]

index 6f8bf47..dd93327 100644 (file)
-import binascii
 import collections
 import struct
-VOID = 0x00
-TRUE = 0x01
-FALSE = 0x02
-INT8 = 0x10
-INT16 = 0x11
-INT32 = 0x12
-INT64 = 0x13
-FLOAT = 0x20
-DOUBLE = 0x21
-BINARY = 0x30
-UTF8 = 0x31
-UTF16 = 0x32
-UTF32 = 0x33
-LIST = 0x40
-TaggedObject = collections.namedtuple('TaggedObject', ['tag', 'value'])
-    bytes: BINARY,
-    list: LIST,
-    dict: DICTIONARY,
-    collections.OrderedDict: DICTIONARY,
-def _tag(o):
-    if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
-        return o
-    if o is None:
-        return TaggedObject(tag = VOID, value = o)
-    if o is True:
-        return TaggedObject(tag = TRUE, value = o)
-    if o is False:
-        return TaggedObject(tag = FALSE, value = o)
-    return TaggedObject(tag = _TYPES_TO_TAGS[type(o)], value = o)
-def _binary_serialize_tag_only_type(o):
-    return b''
-def _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer(pfs):
-    def serializer(i):
-        return struct.pack(pfs, i)
-    return serializer
-def _encoder_to_binary_serializer(e):
-    def serializer(s):
-        encoded = e(s)
-        return struct.pack('!I', len(encoded)) + encoded
-    return serializer
-def _binary_serialize_list(items):
-    # TODO Enforce that items are all the same type
-    items = [_tag(i) for i in items]
-    if len(items) == 0:
-        item_tag = VOID
-    else:
-        item_tag = items[0].tag
-    item_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[item_tag]
-    items = [item_serializer(i.value) for i in items]
-    item_length = len(items)
-    items = b''.join(items)
-    byte_length = len(items)
-    return struct.pack('!BII', item_tag, byte_length, item_length) + items
-def _binary_serialize_dict(d):
-    item_length = 0
-    serialized = b''
-    key_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[UTF8]
-    for key, value in d.items():
-        assert isinstance(key, str)
-        item_length += 1
-        serialized += key_serializer(key) + _binary_serialize(value)
-    byte_length = len(serialized)
-    return struct.pack('!II', byte_length, item_length) + serialized
-    VOID: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
-    TRUE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
-    FALSE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
-    INT8: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!b'),
-    INT16: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!h'),
-    INT32: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!i'),
-    FLOAT: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!f'),
-    DOUBLE: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!d'),
-    BINARY: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda b: b),
-    UTF8: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-8')),
-    UTF16: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-16')),
-    UTF32: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-32')),
-    LIST: _binary_serialize_list,
-    DICTIONARY: _binary_serialize_dict,
-def _binary_serialize(o):
-    o = _tag(o)
-    return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
-ParseResult = collections.namedtuple(
-    'ParseResult',
-    [
-        'success',
-        'value',
-        'remaining',
-    ],
-_FAILED_PARSE_RESULT = ParseResult(success = False, value = None, remaining = None)
-    1: '!b',
-    2: '!h',
-    4: '!i',
-    8: '!q',
-def make_integer_parser(size_in_bytes):
-    unpack_format = _BYTE_SIZES_TO_UNPACK_FORMATS[size_in_bytes]
-    def integer_parser(source):
-        value = struct.unpack(unpack_format, source[:size_in_bytes])[0]
-        remaining = source[size_in_bytes:]
-        return ParseResult(success = True, value = value, remaining = remaining)
-    return integer_parser
-def binary64_parser(source):
-    return ParseResult(
-        success = True,
-        value = struct.unpack('!d', source[:8])[0],
-        remaining = source[8:],
-    )
-def make_string_parser(decoder):
-    def string_parser(source):
-        length = struct.unpack('!I', source[:4])[0]
-        source = source[4:]
-        return ParseResult(
-            success = True,
-            value = decoder(source[:length]),
-            remaining = source[length:],
-        )
-    return string_parser
-def _list_parser(source):
-    tag = source[0]
-    parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tag]
-    source = source[1:]
-    byte_length, items_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
-    source = source[8:]
-    remaining = source[byte_length:]
-    source = source[:byte_length]
-    def item_iterator(source):
-        count = 0
-        while len(source) > 0:
-            parse_result = parser(source)
-            if parse_result.success:
-                count += 1
-                yield parse_result.value
-                source = parse_result.remaining
-        assert count == items_length
-    return ParseResult(
-        success = True,
-        value = item_iterator(source),
-        remaining = remaining,
-    )
-def dictionary_parser(source):
-    key_parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[UTF8]
-    byte_length, item_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
-    source = source[8:]
-    remaining = source[byte_length:]
-    source = source[:byte_length]
-    def kvp_iterator(source):
-        count = 0
-        while len(source) > 0:
-            count += 1
-            key_parse_result = key_parser(source)
-            key, source = key_parse_result.value, key_parse_result.remaining
-            value_parse_result = _object_parser(source)
-            value, source = value_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.remaining
-            yield key, value
-        assert count == item_length
-    return ParseResult(
-        success = True,
-        value = collections.OrderedDict(kvp_iterator(source)),
-        remaining = remaining,
-    )
-    VOID: lambda r: ParseResult(True, None, r),
-    TRUE: lambda r: ParseResult(True, True, r),
-    FALSE: lambda r: ParseResult(True, False, r),
-    INT8: make_integer_parser(1),
-    INT16: make_integer_parser(2),
-    INT32: make_integer_parser(4),
-    INT64: make_integer_parser(8),
-    DOUBLE: binary64_parser,
-    BINARY: make_string_parser(lambda b : b),
-    UTF8: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-8')),
-    UTF16: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-16')),
-    UTF32: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-32')),
-    LIST: _list_parser,
-    DICTIONARY: dictionary_parser,
-def _object_parser(source):
-    return _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[source[0]](source[1:])
-def _parse(parser, source, consume_all = True):
-    result = parser(source)
-    if result.success and result.remaining == b'':
-        return result.value
-    raise Exception('Unparsed trailing bytes: {}'.format(result.remaining))
-def _binary_deserialize(b):
-    return _parse(_object_parser, b)
-def _integer_size_to_string_serializer(integer_size):
-    minimum = -(2 ** (integer_size - 1))
-    maximum = 2 ** (integer_size - 1) - 1
-    def serializer(integer):
-        assert minimum <= integer and integer <= maximum
-        return '{}i{}'.format(integer, integer_size)
-    return serializer
-def _serialize_float(f):
-    return '{}f'.format(f)
-def _serialize_double(d):
-    return '{}d'.format(d)
-def _serialize_binary(b):
-    return '"{}"b'.format(binascii.hexlify(b).decode('ascii'))
-def _utf_encoding_to_serializer(utf_encoding):
-    def serializer(s):
-        return '"{}"{}'.format(s, utf_encoding)
-    return serializer
-def _string_serialize_list(l):
-    return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(map(_string_serialize, l)))
-def _string_serialize_dictionary(d):
-    def serialize_kvp(kvp):
-        return _string_serialize(kvp[0]) + ': ' + _string_serialize(kvp[1])
-    return '{ ' + ', '.join(map(serialize_kvp, d.items())) + ' }'
-    VOID: lambda o: 'null',
-    TRUE: lambda o: 'true',
-    FALSE: lambda o: 'false',
-    INT8: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(8),
-    INT16: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(16),
-    INT32: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(32),
-    INT64: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(64),
-    FLOAT: _serialize_float,
-    DOUBLE: _serialize_double,
-    BINARY: _serialize_binary,
-    UTF8: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf8'),
-    UTF16: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf16'),
-    UTF32: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf32'),
-    LIST: _string_serialize_list,
-    DICTIONARY: _string_serialize_dictionary,
-def _string_serialize(o):
-    o = _tag(o)
-    return _STRING_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
-def _string_deserialize(o):
-    pass
-Serializer = collections.namedtuple('Serializer', ['serialize', 'deserialize'])
-binary = Serializer(
-    serialize = _binary_serialize,
-    deserialize = _binary_deserialize,
-string = Serializer(
-    serialize = _string_serialize,
-    deserialize = _string_deserialize,
+from don import binary
+from don import string
+from don.constants import *
+from don._shared import TaggedObject
 def binary_to_string(b):
     return string.serialize(binary.deserialize(b))
diff --git a/don/ b/don/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ca4c839
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import collections
+from don import constants
+    int: constants.DEFAULT_INTEGER_ENCODING,
+    float: constants.DEFAULT_DECIMAL_ENCODING,
+    bytes: constants.BINARY,
+    str: constants.DEFAULT_STRING_ENCODING,
+    list: constants.LIST,
+    dict: constants.DICTIONARY,
+    collections.OrderedDict: constants.DICTIONARY,
+TaggedObject = collections.namedtuple('TaggedObject', ['tag', 'value'])
+def _tag(o):
+    if isinstance(o, TaggedObject):
+        return o
+    if o is None:
+        return TaggedObject(tag = constants.VOID, value = o)
+    if o is True:
+        return TaggedObject(tag = constants.TRUE, value = o)
+    if o is False:
+        return TaggedObject(tag = constants.FALSE, value = o)
+    return TaggedObject(tag = _TYPES_TO_TAGS[type(o)], value = o)
+ParseResult = collections.namedtuple(
+    'ParseResult',
+    [
+        'success',
+        'value',
+        'remaining',
+    ],
+_FAILED_PARSE_RESULT = ParseResult(success = False, value = None, remaining = None)
diff --git a/don/ b/don/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d29116c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import collections
+import struct
+from don import constants, _shared
+def _binary_serialize_tag_only_type(o):
+    return b''
+def _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer(pfs):
+    def serializer(i):
+        return struct.pack(pfs, i)
+    return serializer
+def _encoder_to_binary_serializer(e):
+    def serializer(s):
+        encoded = e(s)
+        return struct.pack('!I', len(encoded)) + encoded
+    return serializer
+def _binary_serialize_list(items):
+    # TODO Enforce that items are all the same type
+    items = [_shared._tag(i) for i in items]
+    if len(items) == 0:
+        item_tag = constants.VOID
+    else:
+        item_tag = items[0].tag
+    item_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[item_tag]
+    items = [item_serializer(i.value) for i in items]
+    item_length = len(items)
+    items = b''.join(items)
+    byte_length = len(items)
+    return struct.pack('!BII', item_tag, byte_length, item_length) + items
+def _binary_serialize_dict(d):
+    item_length = 0
+    serialized = b''
+    key_serializer = _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[constants.UTF8]
+    for key, value in d.items():
+        assert isinstance(key, str)
+        item_length += 1
+        serialized += key_serializer(key) + serialize(value)
+    byte_length = len(serialized)
+    return struct.pack('!II', byte_length, item_length) + serialized
+    constants.VOID: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+    constants.TRUE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+    constants.FALSE: _binary_serialize_tag_only_type,
+    constants.INT8: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!b'),
+    constants.INT16: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!h'),
+    constants.INT32: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!i'),
+    constants.FLOAT: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!f'),
+    constants.DOUBLE: _pack_format_string_to_binary_serializer('!d'),
+    constants.BINARY: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda b: b),
+    constants.UTF8: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-8')),
+    constants.UTF16: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-16')),
+    constants.UTF32: _encoder_to_binary_serializer(lambda s: s.encode('utf-32')),
+    constants.LIST: _binary_serialize_list,
+    constants.DICTIONARY: _binary_serialize_dict,
+def serialize(o):
+    o = _shared._tag(o)
+    return struct.pack('!B', o.tag) + _BINARY_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
+    1: '!b',
+    2: '!h',
+    4: '!i',
+    8: '!q',
+def make_integer_parser(size_in_bytes):
+    unpack_format = _BYTE_SIZES_TO_UNPACK_FORMATS[size_in_bytes]
+    def integer_parser(source):
+        value = struct.unpack(unpack_format, source[:size_in_bytes])[0]
+        remaining = source[size_in_bytes:]
+        return _shared.ParseResult(success = True, value = value, remaining = remaining)
+    return integer_parser
+def binary64_parser(source):
+    return _shared.ParseResult(
+        success = True,
+        value = struct.unpack('!d', source[:8])[0],
+        remaining = source[8:],
+    )
+def make_string_parser(decoder):
+    def string_parser(source):
+        length = struct.unpack('!I', source[:4])[0]
+        source = source[4:]
+        return _shared.ParseResult(
+            success = True,
+            value = decoder(source[:length]),
+            remaining = source[length:],
+        )
+    return string_parser
+def _list_parser(source):
+    tag = source[0]
+    parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[tag]
+    source = source[1:]
+    byte_length, items_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
+    source = source[8:]
+    remaining = source[byte_length:]
+    source = source[:byte_length]
+    def item_iterator(source):
+        count = 0
+        while len(source) > 0:
+            parse_result = parser(source)
+            if parse_result.success:
+                count += 1
+                yield parse_result.value
+                source = parse_result.remaining
+        assert count == items_length
+    return _shared.ParseResult(
+        success = True,
+        value = item_iterator(source),
+        remaining = remaining,
+    )
+def dictionary_parser(source):
+    key_parser = _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[constants.UTF8]
+    byte_length, item_length = struct.unpack('!II', source[:8])
+    source = source[8:]
+    remaining = source[byte_length:]
+    source = source[:byte_length]
+    def kvp_iterator(source):
+        count = 0
+        while len(source) > 0:
+            count += 1
+            key_parse_result = key_parser(source)
+            key, source = key_parse_result.value, key_parse_result.remaining
+            value_parse_result = _object_parser(source)
+            value, source = value_parse_result.value, value_parse_result.remaining
+            yield key, value
+        assert count == item_length
+    return _shared.ParseResult(
+        success = True,
+        value = collections.OrderedDict(kvp_iterator(source)),
+        remaining = remaining,
+    )
+    constants.VOID: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, None, r),
+    constants.TRUE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, True, r),
+    constants.FALSE: lambda r: _shared.ParseResult(True, False, r),
+    constants.INT8: make_integer_parser(1),
+    constants.INT16: make_integer_parser(2),
+    constants.INT32: make_integer_parser(4),
+    constants.INT64: make_integer_parser(8),
+    constants.DOUBLE: binary64_parser,
+    constants.BINARY: make_string_parser(lambda b : b),
+    constants.UTF8: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-8')),
+    constants.UTF16: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-16')),
+    constants.UTF32: make_string_parser(lambda b : b.decode('utf-32')),
+    constants.LIST: _list_parser,
+    constants.DICTIONARY: dictionary_parser,
+def _object_parser(source):
+    return _TAGS_TO_PARSERS[source[0]](source[1:])
+def _parse(parser, source, consume_all = True):
+    result = parser(source)
+    if result.success and result.remaining == b'':
+        return result.value
+    raise Exception('Unparsed trailing bytes: {}'.format(result.remaining))
+def deserialize(b):
+    return _parse(_object_parser, b)
diff --git a/don/ b/don/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d90254a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+VOID = 0x00
+TRUE = 0x01
+FALSE = 0x02
+INT8 = 0x10
+INT16 = 0x11
+INT32 = 0x12
+INT64 = 0x13
+FLOAT = 0x20
+DOUBLE = 0x21
+BINARY = 0x30
+UTF8 = 0x31
+UTF16 = 0x32
+UTF32 = 0x33
+LIST = 0x40
index a005098..a7974a4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,62 @@
+import binascii
+from don import constants, _shared
+def _integer_size_to_string_serializer(integer_size):
+    minimum = -(2 ** (integer_size - 1))
+    maximum = 2 ** (integer_size - 1) - 1
+    def serializer(integer):
+        assert minimum <= integer and integer <= maximum
+        return '{}i{}'.format(integer, integer_size)
+    return serializer
+def _serialize_float(f):
+    return '{}f'.format(f)
+def _serialize_double(d):
+    return '{}d'.format(d)
+def _serialize_binary(b):
+    return '"{}"b'.format(binascii.hexlify(b).decode('ascii'))
+def _utf_encoding_to_serializer(utf_encoding):
+    def serializer(s):
+        return '"{}"{}'.format(s, utf_encoding)
+    return serializer
+def _string_serialize_list(l):
+    return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(map(serialize, l)))
+def _string_serialize_dictionary(d):
+    def serialize_kvp(kvp):
+        return serialize(kvp[0]) + ': ' + serialize(kvp[1])
+    return '{ ' + ', '.join(map(serialize_kvp, d.items())) + ' }'
+    constants.VOID: lambda o: 'null',
+    constants.TRUE: lambda o: 'true',
+    constants.FALSE: lambda o: 'false',
+    constants.INT8: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(8),
+    constants.INT16: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(16),
+    constants.INT32: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(32),
+    constants.INT64: _integer_size_to_string_serializer(64),
+    constants.FLOAT: _serialize_float,
+    constants.DOUBLE: _serialize_double,
+    constants.BINARY: _serialize_binary,
+    constants.UTF8: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf8'),
+    constants.UTF16: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf16'),
+    constants.UTF32: _utf_encoding_to_serializer('utf32'),
+    constants.LIST: _string_serialize_list,
+    constants.DICTIONARY: _string_serialize_dictionary,
 def serialize(o):
-    pass
+    o = _shared._tag(o)
+    return _STRING_SERIALIZERS[o.tag](o.value)
 def deserialize(s):
index 6d5ed81..5ca30e1 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import collections
 import unittest
-from don import *
+import don
+from don import binary, string
 class TestBinarySerialize(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_serializes_null(self):
@@ -124,56 +125,72 @@ class TestStringSerialize(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(string.serialize(False), 'false')
     def test_serializes_int8(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT8, 1)), '1i8')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT8, -1)), '-1i8')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT8, 42)), '42i8')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT8, 1)), '1i8')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT8, -1)), '-1i8')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT8, 42)), '42i8')
     def test_serializes_int16(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT16, 1)), '1i16')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT16, -1)), '-1i16')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT16, 42)), '42i16')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT16, 1)), '1i16')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT16, -1)), '-1i16')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT16, 42)), '42i16')
     def test_serializes_int32(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT32, 1)), '1i32')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT32, -1)), '-1i32')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT32, 42)), '42i32')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT32, 1)), '1i32')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT32, -1)), '-1i32')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT32, 42)), '42i32')
     def test_serializes_int64(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT64, 1)), '1i64')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT64, -1)), '-1i64')
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(INT64, 42)), '42i64')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT64, 1)), '1i64')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT64, -1)), '-1i64')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.INT64, 42)), '42i64')
     def test_serializes_float(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(FLOAT, 1.0)), '1.0f')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.FLOAT, 1.0)), '1.0f')
     def test_serializes_double(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(DOUBLE, 1.0)), '1.0d')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.DOUBLE, 1.0)), '1.0d')
     def test_serializes_binary(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(BINARY, b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef')), '"deadbeef"b')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.BINARY, b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef')), '"deadbeef"b')
     def test_serializes_utf8(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(UTF8, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf8')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.UTF8, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf8')
     def test_serializes_utf16(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(UTF16, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf16')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.UTF16, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf16')
     def test_serializes_utf32(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(UTF32, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf32')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.UTF32, 'Hello, world')), '"Hello, world"utf32')
     def test_serializes_list(self):
-        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(TaggedObject(LIST, [1,2,3])), '[1i32, 2i32, 3i32]')
+        self.assertEqual(string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.LIST, [1,2,3])), '[1i32, 2i32, 3i32]')
     def test_serializes_dictionary(self):
-            string.serialize(TaggedObject(DICTIONARY, collections.OrderedDict([
+            string.serialize(don.TaggedObject(don.DICTIONARY, collections.OrderedDict([
                 ('foo', 1),
                 ('bar', 'baz'),
             '{ "foo"utf8: 1i32, "bar"utf8: "baz"utf8 }'
-class TestStringDeserialize(unittest.TestCase):
-    pass
+#   class TestStringDeserialize(unittest.TestCase):
+#       def test_deserializes_null(self):
+#           self.assertEqual(
+#               None,
+#               string.deserialize('null'),
+#           )
+#       def test_deserializes_null(self):
+#           self.assertEqual(
+#               True,
+#               string.deserialize('true'),
+#           )
+#       def test_deserializes_null(self):
+#           self.assertEqual(
+#               False,
+#               string.deserialize('false'),
+#           )